Thursday 17 November 2011

Survey Analysis.

To research what people my age want in a general interest website, I formulated a survey with 28 questions. I had 16 responses which all helped me further my ideas for content and design. Here is a link to my questionnaire:

(I made a small spelling mistake which could not be rectified. On question 3 - interests it is LEARNING, not LEARING!)


1. Age
8 people I asked were aged 16-18. 2 were 10-15. 3 were 19-25. 1 was 25-30 and 2 were over 30. This shows that my main audience would be aged 16-18 with possible 10-15 year olds. This makes it easier for me as I am in that age category. 

2. Gender
11 were female, 5 were male. This doesn't make a difference to my choice in website as I intend to make it uni-sex.

3. Interests
9 people chose socialising, 7 chose both Art and Sport, 6 chose music, 4 chose Learning and Television, 1 chose Gaming. Other answers were keeping fit, dance, drama and theatre.

4. How often do you listen to music?
10 said they listen to it nearly every day, 3 chose everyday, 3 chose whenever the radio is on. No one chose hardly ever. From these results I will include a heavy emphasis on music as it seems to be a popular topic for every age range.

5. What genre of music do you like?
8 people chose Indie Bands, Rock and Singer/Songwriters. 5 people chose R'n'B and Acoustic and 3 people chose Screamo and I don't like any particular genre. From this result, my music section on my site will be very diverse to suit a wide range of tastes.

6. Whats your favourite genre of music?
4 people chose rock as their favourite genre, 3 chose Acoustic, 3 chose R'n'B, 3 chose Indie Bands. 1 chose Screamo, 2 chose I don't have a favourite and no one chose Singer-Songwritters.

7. Please suggest your favourite music channel?
4 chose MTV, 3 chose Kiss, 4 chose Channel4, 2 chose Viva, 3 chose The Box, VH1 and I don't watch music channels.

8. What would you want to read most about music?
10 chose that they would like to read about the charts, 7 chose collaborations within the industry, 8 chose new-upcoming artists, 6 chose tour dates and 5 chose gossip. From these results I will include a wide range of music-related information.

9. How often do you watch TV?
7 chose everyday, 5 said hardly ever, 4 said whenever my favourite programs are on and none said never. I will include a page dedicated to television.

10. What TV channels do you watch the most?
7 chose General Interest, 7 chose Teen, 6 chose Film, 6 chose Music, 3 chose Sport, 3 chose Documentary, 4 chose Geography and other answers were BBC1.

11. Whats your favourite genre to watch?
4 said Thriller, 4 said TV Drama, 4 chose Teen, 3 chose reality and 1 chose Period Drama.

12. What content would you want to read online about TV?
8 said Gossip, 7 said spoilers, 6 said new upcoming shows, 4 chose listings, 3 said trailers and 2 chose links to older shows.

13. Question 13 was a accidental duplicate of Question 12 and when I realised, my questionnaire was already published :(

14. What types of websites do you visit most? 
9 chose Social Networking sites, 9 chose TV/Music, 5 chose shopping, 4 chose gossip and 2 chose sport. This is helpful as TV/Music is one of the most popular choices!

15. What specific elements would you like to see on a general interest website?
as this was such a large question I have copied the table of results. Same for the following Q's.

 Celebrity Gossip 
 Catch Up shows 
 Music Gossip 
 TV Schedule 
 Film Information 
 Options to listen to music 

I will try and include all of these chosen elements.

16. What features do you enjoy most on a website?
 Links to other sites 

17. What features don't you like/annoy you?

I will take all of this into consideration.

18. How often do you read magazines?

I chose to include a magazine question due to the amount of advertising and photographs included in them, I wanted to see what people liked about these elements, and disliked.

19. What types of magazines do you read?

20. What magazine genre is your favourite?

21. What attracts you to buying a magazine?

22. When buying a magazine, what do you most like to see included?

23. Do you take notice of advertisements?

24. What do you like in advertisements?

25. What is most important in an advertisement, in your opinion?

26. Do you read newspapers?

27. If yes, how often?

28. Would you visit a teen channel?

These results really helped my planning. Using these closely I will now decide what sections to include and what info, photos etc. 

1 comment:

  1. Some good points made but inconsistent. When analysing surveys look for the main positives or negatives to talk about - eg. Most people... Only 1 person... and then talk about how the results of the survey will help you plan for you own website/newspaper ad/double page spread.

