Thursday 17 November 2011

Newspaper Advertisement Analysis for new TV Channel/Program

E4 Skins Advertisement. 

This is advertising a new TV program coming to the Teen Channel E4. I found this on the internet and found it appropriate to analysis as it fits in with the criteria of the teen age group. The advertisement is bright and catches your eye straight away. I had bright pinks, oranges and yellows overlaying the photo, making the character and logo stick out even more. Freddie, the boy in the advertisement, is the main character of Skins, therefore as soon as you see this in a magazine you know it means new series of Skins! The advertisement is simple and clean, a photo of one of the characters that is widely associated and often the favourite of the show, and a small section of the bottom is taken up with the logo, name and times. It's not too busy and gets straight to the point. The photo gets you excited for the new series, as they write "brand new series, so you would be a fan already. Freddie is jumping, looks excited and happy making us want to tune in to see what happens to make him this way. Plus, as its taken during the night we know more action and mischief will happen when the sun goes down, just like the previous series. The big purple '4' stands out, we immediately know its on E4 as the conventions of this channel is the colour purple and white. Next to it is the name of the channel in large, simple font that jumps out to us. 
In all, all the conventions of E4 are there - the purple, the white, the 4, the interesting photos etc. Every bit of information is there, in a clear straight-to-the-point, entertaining way. I like this advertisement and will look at techniques to make my own in a similar, eye-catching way. 

The Inbetweeners Movie Advertisement.

Again, I found this off the internet. This was a all over advertisement, included in newspapers, magazines, internet, billboards and more. This is an advert for The Inbetweeners movie, following on from the series. This is a synergy and convergence between the TV company that made the series and the Film company that decided to make the movie after the very last series. The poster is split into 3, known as the Rule of Thirds. On the bottom section is the photograph of the 4 characters. They're all portrayed in the conventional way that we all see them in the series. They're the centre of the poster, as they're right in the forefront. In the middle section is the name of the movie. Its large and in a neon effect, making it look like a sign you'd see somewhere like Las Vagas or Magaluf (where they actually went.) We're instantly drawn to the title, and for most people thats all you need to see - you know what it is as soon as you read it. Below the title is all the details, including the line "in cinemas everywhere", showing that is widely sort after and will be a great success, as many films don's make it to the majority of cinema screens. The very top section holds "This summer 4 boys become men." We're instantly intrigued, as we see the 4 boys grow through their 2 years of Sixth Form, and we want to see them grow into men.

The background is bright and eye-catching, showing they're in a bar area on holiday. From this we know the film will be action packed and hilarious. The poster includes all the details needed, its bright and over the top but it works, as the 4 characters are over the top as are their antics. It draws you in and gets you excited for the film, i like the colours used. 

Harry Potter advertisement. 

Agan I found this in a newspaper. It is the advertisement for the new Harry Potter film, Half-Blood Prince. This is a great advertisement in many ways as it displays so many conventions of the Potter series. Firstly you have the main character of Harry, half in shadow suggesting the film will be full of mischief, drama, mystery and suspense. It's an extreme close up so we focus on him. His glasses are also convention and in them is a image of Albus Dumbledore, one of the characters. Below is a quote that only fans of the books would understand. This reaches out to them in a way, as they already know what happens and are looking forward to seeing it transformed onto the screen. This and the HP6 is in the Harry Potter font, widely recognised all over the world.

The colours are dark, suggesting pain, anguish, suffering etc. There are hints of blue suggesting sadness and tragedy. The rain is also a convention of miserable moods and shadows are eerie. This is a great advertisement as it draws your eye, although it is a dark advertisement you're still drawn to the colour. 


  1. Please ignore my last comment on your magazine ads analysis.

  2. Excellent analysis of these ads Loren - well done.
    What elements of advertising might you incorporate into your own ad to attract your target audience?
    What techniques might you use?

