Sunday 2 October 2011

Double Page Advertisements

To understand advertisement on certain products better, I've studied 3 advertisements from 3 completely different magazines for diversity.

Pirates of the Caribbean.

This advertisement is from the July 2011 edition of Empire Magazine, one of the leading film magazines. As it's situated on the very first two pages, this advertisement catches your eye immediately, if not because of the content and colours.

Firstly, the choice of colour catches my eye first (in life, the colours are much more vibrant). Although it is a photoshoped photograph, it's made to look like a watercolour painting by using waters colours that blend - using bright yellows, dull blues and greens. The use of greens and blues signify the sea, which is the main base of the film as it's about pirates. All the colours blend in together, and although you have the fire on the boat, the massive crashing wave in the forground and the dark looking clouds, the advertisement is quite peacefull.

There is a lot of symbolism towards the film in the details included; the boat, sea, mermaids and beach. This gives the reader a chance to work out what the film is about. They've also included the DVD cover in the foreground, making in a part of the picture as its slightly buried in sand and casts a shadow.

The fonts used are simple and easy to read but does give the feeling of olden day pirates. The words chose are also very significant. "Jack's back!" and "Re-live the Trilogy. Now at a price you'll treasure!". Both draw your attention and they've also included the logo on the bottom.

I like this advetisement as its got all the details needed, the colours and font go with the subject matter and its very eye-catching.


This double page spread is from the March 2011 issue of Vogue. I chose this as it could relate more to my website than any other subject matter; advertisement of clothes/accessories. I chose this advert as it stood out to me; its very artistic and clean, it isn't over run with quotes, fonts or too much colour. It's subtle, pretty and easy too look at, it also gets straight to the point.

Firstly, on the left they've included many random objects standing around a perfume bottle with 'Balenciaga Paris' written on it - this is clear that the advertisement is about this new perfume. The objects around the perfume are simular colours, and although that can sometimes take the attention of the sole object, it compliments and draws the eye. On the opposite page is a model, wearing a simple elegant outfit sitting on the edge of a pool, where the perfume bottle is placed on a lilipad off-centre. They've used the same font throughout, only using words that a nessecery and even though it is large, it doesn't dominate the whole advertisement. I also like the use of the white boarder around the photos.

Jamie Oliver.

Lastly, I chose this advertisement from Jamie Olivers magazine, from September 2011. What caught my eye was the vibrant colours that stand out straight away. Although people may say its a article, I think the set up of the whole thing is great. I like the font at the top which is made to look like part of the talbe cloth, and how it blends in well. I love the colours from the sardine tins and the way the photograph was set up. It all looks very vintage, running with the 'vintage sardines' theme. There is a varitety of colours and shades, shapes and fonts but its not over-whelming as they're all mainly simple. I reall like the set up and techniques used and will look at this for ideas when it comes to my own advertisement.


  1. This is looking very good Loren. The visuals and layout look most impressive. Make sure that all research and planning is now complete as final marking will take place next week.

    Mrs Slater

  2. Again, good analysis work Loren. However... your task will be to create an advertisement for a newspaper... which is going to be a little different to an ad in a magazine in many cases. What type of newspaper will your ad go into? Who is your target audience? What information is there? What are the codes and conventions of newspaper advertising? It would be helpful if you could add this section to your print analysis so that you cover everything.

