Friday 25 November 2011


On paper, I created a quick sketch of how I want my home page to look. I decided to keep it relatively clean and blank. I don't want to over-whelm anyone visiting my home page with over the top colour, too much writing/photos or links etc. I've come to this conclusion after the findings of my survey where I found people like simplistic clean sites.

I've decided to use 2 large photos with text relating to it, and 3 smaller photos which I hope to link to a page from my navigation bar. Below I have channel info which people can visit and at the bottom I want to include a button which takes you to the top. My background will remain white throughout and as you can see its pretty clear and easy to navigate, nor does it attack your eyes with too much photos or text, or colour. When I make my website I may change a few things, but I will keep all development on here.

1 comment:

  1. Good clear evidence of planning.
    What about content? What's going to appear on the home page? And in the other sections of the site? This needs to be made clear - you need to show your thought processes... and how the site is going to develop.

