Friday 16 March 2012

Audience Response Questions

Now that I've finished my website and ancillary tasks, I need to get feedback to prepare for my Evaluation. To do this, I will ask 1 or 2 friends within my intended audience age group and film them answering a series of questions about my 3 tasks. Below are my questions:

logo layout colours navigation (easy?)
appropriate to audience? clarity of image/video 
purpose (does it serve?) - codes and conventions of website
ancillary: follow a theme? codes & conventions, appealing? informative?

1. What grabs your attention when you first enter the website?
2. What do you like/don't you like about the logo? Do you feel it's interesting/individual/well made?
3. Do the colours work harmoniously and appeal to you?
4. Do you find it easy to navigate around? Did the top navigation bar work throughout?
5. What did you think of the items on the home page? Do you feel they were captivating enough and did they make you want to explore more?
6. Did you find the 'Back to Top' button useful?
7. How did you feel about the layout of the website as a whole? Were the pages easy to navigate around/easy to read?
8. Did you find the images appealing to you? And did they interest you to read further?
9. Did all the media items work (videos, magazine app etc.)? What did you think about them, did they work or take up unnecessary space? 
10. Did you think there was enough content, or not enough in the way of articles etc?
11. Was it appropriate to the intended audience (you)?
12. Does it serve its purpose of being an entertainment website?
13. Do you feel it follows the codes and conventions of everyday websites?

1. Did these 2 products catch your eye?
2. Do you feel the different logos are off-putting, or work well?
3. Do the colours work together and make the products work?
4. What do you think of the one main image used on the double-page spread? Do you think more images should of been used?
5. Do you feel the newspaper advert is too bland, or does it work well and get to the point?
6. In both, do you think there is enough content in the way of information?
7. Would they grab your attention, as a member of my target audience?
8. Would you say they follow the codes and conventions of typical spreads and advertisements?

1. Do you feel the website, double-page spread and newspaper advertisement work well as a whole and back up each other?
2. Do you feel there is a running colour scheme all the way through?
3. The logos in all 3 are different, but do you feel they still represent each other or link back to the original? 
4. Overall, do you like the 3 products I have created and would you look at the website voluntary?
5. Would you chose to change/improve/add anything?

Now I've got all my questions planned, I will film a friend responding to my questions whilst looking at my website and ancillary tasks. 

1 comment:

  1. A good set of comprehensive and structured questions that serve a purpose and allow you to gain valuable information that can influence your decisions and choices. remember to analyse your results and identify your target audience.

